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The year 2023 marked the release of the final installment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), an eight-year-long undertaking from the world’s most authoritative scientific body on climate change.

This report gave a stark final warning to the world: We have to limit global temperature increases in line with the 2015 Paris Agreement by transitioning to net zero by no later than 2050.

If there is no immediate action, the consequences of rising greenhouse gas emissions around the world will be devastating — destroying homes, jeopardizing livelihoods, and fragmenting communities, among other impacts.

The global apparel sector contributed an estimated 897 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) to the global carbon budget in 2021 — roughly 1.8 percent of global GHG emissions.¹

If we do not change at an unprecedented speed and scale, we will fall short of the necessary decarbonization targets to align with the 1.5°C pathway.

The window to address the climate crisis is rapidly closing.

There is not one second to waste.

1 Source: Aii_RoadmapReport-615-1.pdf (apparelimpact.org) | Greenhouse gas emissions measured in tonnes of carbon dioxide-equivalents over a 100-year timescale: Source


The year 2023 marked the release of the final installment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), an eight-year-long undertaking from the world’s most authoritative scientific body on climate change.

This report gave a stark final warning to the world: We have to limit global temperature increases in line with the 2015 Paris Agreement by transitioning to net zero by no later than 2050. If there is no immediate action, the consequences of rising greenhouse gas emissions around the world will be devastating — destroying homes, jeopardizing livelihoods, and fragmenting communities, among other impacts.

The global apparel sector contributed an estimated 897 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) to the global carbon budget in 2021 — roughly 1.8 percent of global GHG emissions.1 If we do not change at an unprecedented speed and scale, we will fall short of the necessary decarbonization targets to align with the 1.5°C pathway.
The window to address the climate crisis is rapidly closing.
There is not one second to waste.
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Letter from Lewis Perkins

Dear Friends,

As I reflect on Aii’s strong growth over the last year, I am filled with pride and gratitude for the increasing industry-wide collaboration and commitment that continues to define our work.

When we launched Aii, we knew the impactful and proven mill improvement program, Clean by Design, would be the foundation on which we could build pivotal partnerships and design innovative solutions to expand our decarbonization efforts. Six years later, we have broadened our portfolio to include diverse programs across supply chain tiers and global regions, research and exploration around renewable and thermal energy, and innovative grant-making to scale decarbonization programs and solutions. To date, over 50 brands/retailers have partnered with Aii and we have reached over 1070 producers to address climate change globally. We are putting our vision into motion, and in 2023, our emphasis was squarely on execution and activation to move us closer to our ambitious goal to enable the reduction of 100 million tonnes of CO₂e from the apparel supply chain by 2030.

After opening our first call for Climate Solutions Portfolio (CSP) applications in April, we granted $1.7M to five solutions that we estimate will reach 70-90 facilities and 40,000 farms and achieve total potential emissions savings of almost 1.5 megatonnes CO₂e. We also launched the CSP platform, which serves as a central hub for brands, retailers, industry stakeholders, and external commercial financing partners looking to accelerate decarbonization efforts. Finally, in the fall, we focused the second round of our CSP application process on finding partners to develop data-driven roadmaps on thermal energy and energy storage — critical solution areas that currently lack industry-wide knowledge and reliable data. We are partnering with two organizations that will develop roadmaps providing vital research to fill knowledge gaps hindering progress toward Net Zero.

In 2023, we made terrific strides in activating our blended capital strategy, bringing stakeholders together in New York during Climate Week and later in the year, with the support of the Rockefeller Foundation, at the Bellagio Retreat Center in Lake Como. Fashion Climate Fund Lead Partners H&M Group, Lululemon, and PVH alongside HSBC, Standard Chartered, BNP-Paribas, Guidehouse, Brandix, MAS Holdings, and others convened in person for four days to activate blended finance toward decarbonization needs. As a result of these meetings, we have established working groups that will determine the best methods to connect producers with funding in key regions.

We were also thrilled to announce HSBC as our latest lead partner to the Fashion Climate Fund at COP28. We continue to raise the $250M catalytic Fashion Climate Fund and seek additional lead partners to join us to unlock $2B or more into the supply chain’s decarbonization work.

However, while we celebrate our successes, we must acknowledge the challenges ahead. We can bring forth the most effective solutions and financial resources, but it will mean nothing if we can’t demonstrate business value to producers and get their buy-in on this transformative work. We are ready to confront this challenge head-on and will spend 2024 deepening our engagement with producers, understanding their needs, and creating a conducive environment for adopting sustainable solutions. Producers must be at the table alongside brands, retailers, climate philanthropy, and financial institutions for the industry to meet its climate goals.

As we enter the new year, we embrace the challenges before us with bold determination and collective effort. Together, we can continue to drive positive change.
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signature lewis
Lewis Perkins
President, Apparel Impact Institute
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Our Impact in 2023 at a Glance

Overall Impact Achieved


of goal achieved
100 Mt CO₂e
saved over useful life by 2030
5,629,839.58 tonnes CO₂e
saved over the useful life²
654,632.51 tonnes CO₂e
total annual reduction by producers that have completed Aii programs³
2 Sum of total GHG emissions saved by producers participating in Aii’s Climate Action Approach in each year from 2018 until the end of 2023 multiplied by the useful life factor of 8.6.

3 Sum of total actual GHG emissions saved by producers participating in Aii’s Climate Action Approach in each year from 2018 until the end of 2023.
annual ghg submissions
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Total producers reached through Aii’s Climate Action Approach from 2018 until the end of 2023*
* Producers can participate in one or several solutions and programs
Producers which have completed or are active in a CTA, CTS, & SCAP program (Step 1 & 2 of Aii’s Climate Action Approach) at the end of 2023
Producers which have completed or are active in an Aii impact program (Step 3 of Aii’s Climate Action Approach) at the end of 2023
Producers which have completed or are active in a CSP solution (Step 3 of Aii’s Climate Action Approach) at the end of 2023
Producers which have completed or are active in a CTM program (Step 4 of Aii’s Climate Action Approach) at the end of 2023
Aii’s Climate Action Approach, formerly known as the Carbon Leadership Program (see 2022 impact report), is a five-step methodology designed to lead producers on their journey toward decarbonization.
See legend in 'How We Report' for an explanation of all our programs.
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Capital Unlocked

2 Billion $ capital unlocked by 2030
US $111,285,312
Total Capital Unlocked


US $88,790,767
Total investments made by producers from 2018-2023


US $22,494,545
Total Aii spending⁴ from 2018-2023
money stacking

of goal achieved

Aii’s Climate Action Approach Regions

Aii offered programs in a total of 31 regions⁵ in 2023.
Bangladesh, Brazil, Cambodia, China, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Italy, Jordan, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Province of China, Province of China, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States of America, Vietnam
world map1
United States of America
United Kingdom
Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua
South Africa
Sri Lanka
South Korea
Taiwan, Province of China, Province of China
Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand
5 A region has at least one producer that has started program work with Aii
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Key Impact Results Of Producers That Completed A Solution Of Aii’s Climate Action Approach In 2023

Total no. of producers: 300
Tier 1: 
Tier 2: 
  • Total no. of brands: 28
  • Total Aii spending 2023: US $11,089,094
actual investments savingsactual cost
6 Average actual cost per tCO₂e includes Aii’s total spending (G&A and program-related costs) as well as capital invested by a producer to implement actions.

Key Impact Results of Producers That Completed a Solution of Aii’s Climate Action Approach in 2023

Solution Distribution
solution graph
In 2023, Aii Impact Programs* achieved the following actual savings:
Total actual GHG emission savings in tCO₂e
Total actual energy savings in GJ
Total actual water savings in m³
Average actual factory GHG emission savings in tCO₂eⁱ
Average actual factory energy savings in GJⁱⁱⁱ
Average actual water savings in m3ⁱᵛ
Average % of GHG emission savingsⁱⁱ
Average % of energy savingsⁱⁱⁱ
Average % of water savingsⁱᵛ
* CbD, CbD+, CFO, and PWM
i. Based on 66 producers
ii. Based on 58 producers (excludes 8 producers in PWM because the experts did not undertake a baseline assessment)
iii. Based on 58 producers (excludes 8 producers in PWM which does not create energy savings)
iv. Based on 55 facilities (excludes 8 producers in PWM which does not create water savings +3 producers with no water baseline as it is irrelevant to that type of facility and program")
Total GHG emissions savings equal to 41,949 cars removed from the roads in 2023
Based on the assumption that there is an emission of 4.646 metric ton CO₂e per car per year with an average passenger vehicle driving an average of 11499.97 miles per year; Source: EPA, Greenhouse Gas Emissions from a Typical Passenger Vehicle | US EPA
Total water savings equal to almost 1,456 olympic sized swimming pools
One Olympic-sized swimming pool contains 660,430 gallons of water; Source: FINA FACILITIES RULES 2015-2017, Wayback Machine (archive.org)
Total energy savings equal to 11,920,130 washing machines not used in 2023
Washing machines not used is calculated using a 17.6 lbs capacity Miele WWD020 WCS machine and assuming it is used for 100 cycles per year. EU energy class: A; Source: Washing machines and washer-dryers (europa.eu)

Key Impact Results of Producers That Are Currently Active⁷ in a Solution of Aii’s Climate Action Approach in 2023

Total no. of producers: 374
Tier 1: 
Tier 2: 
  • Total no. of brands: 28
  • Total no. of manufacturers:⁸ 2
producer pie chart1
7 As Aii’s Impact Programs typically last 12-18 months, not all producers completed their full program cycle during our reporting period (Jan to Dec 2023). Producers in progress are labeled as “active” and can only report potential savings rather than actual savings. It’s important to note that not all “active” producers began the programs in 2023; some may have started as early as 2022.
8 Apparel, footwear, or textile manufacturing companies that provide funding to Aii to achieve environmental improvement programs and impact reductions.

Key Impact Results of Producers That Are Currently Active in a Solution of Aii’s Climate Action Approach in 2023

CSP Solutions
  • Number of grant-funded solutions:
  • Solutions maturity levels:
    4 Model 1 Pilot
  • Total number of producers:
  • Average forecasted cost per tCO₂e:⁹
    US $2.40
  • Average forecasted GHG emission savings per producer / year in tCO₂e:
⁹ Average forecasted $/tCO₂e is calculated by taking the average of all the grantee forecasted $/tCO₂e figures, which are calculated by dividing the sum of the grant by the forecasted lifetime tCO₂e impact of the grant project.
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Executive Summary

To best operationalize our goals, Aii has grown from 15 employees to 26 in 2023.
We have almost quadrupled our actual GHG emissions reductions in 2023 compared to 2022.
Aii deployed its first Climate Solutions Portfolio grants funded by the Fashion Climate Fund. We also debuted the CSP platform, a registry of proven
climate solutions.
Producers have started 60% more Climate Action Approach programs in 2023 compared to 2022.
We launched our strategy to enable the reduction of 100 Mt CO2e.
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