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June 2024 CSP Registry Additions

Published: 05 July 2024
3 min read
Aii Updates
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Beyond grant funding, our Climate Solutions Portfolio (CSP) also includes a registry of proven solutions which we call “Registered Solutions.” These solutions do not require additional funding and are vetted based on our rigorous criteria of effectiveness, reach, and scale.

In June 2024, the CSP Advisory Council welcomed six new solutions to the CSP. These solutions were selected for their reduction potential in their use cases and their dedication to providing detailed impact data, despite industry-wide data collection challenges. 

  • The Smartex solution minimizes waste in production by delivering real-time, AI-enabled defect detection and data-driven quality control analysis. As a result, Smartex minimizes the production and shipment of defective fabric to the following high-impact processing stage, reducing defective material & processing costs; reducing time lost; & saving unnecessary energy, heat, and chemical use. 
  • EPICRON is a printing system by Zydex with advanced acrylic binder chemistry for ultra-soft prints. It offers depth, brightness, and comparable feel to reactive prints. EPRICON Technology eliminates the washing process, reduces print rejections, enhances productivity and profitability. Trials confirm its performance on cotton, viscose, and its blends as an alternative to reactive prints.
  • Foshan Nanhai Tianfu Technology’s Intelligent Factory Efficiency and Production Enhancement Technology reduces process energy demand and energy losses, and minimizes waste by utilizing automation, digitization, and intelligent technologies to optimize processes through AI. This enhances the quality of production processes, increases the success rate of right-first-time dyeing, and reduces the proportion of re-dyeing and scrapped products. As a result, it aims to improve production efficiency and reduce carbon emissions per unit of output.
  • Foshan Cleaner Production and Low Carbon Economy Association’s The Best Energy and Water Efficiency in Guangdong Program reduces process energy demand and energy losses by assessing the energy and water efficiency of textile printing and dyeing factories. The program involves setting benchmarks for energy and water consumption, identifying improvement potential, and mandating implementation plans. By selecting suitable products and guiding participating enterprises, this method enhances energy and water efficiency, contributing to energy, water, and carbon reduction goals.
  • CleanKore reduces process energy demand by eliminating the need for the hazardous potassium permanganate spray, reducing chemical usage and overall production time. CleanKore utilizes a denim mill’s existing dye range and makes novel modifications to produce a ring-dyed effect with a large white core with a small perimeter of dye. This solution lowers the carbon footprint without adding any new chemicals or capital expenses/equipment and is applicable from indigo to sulphur black. 
  • Bluesign's mill improvement program reduces process demand for energy, energy losses, and GHG from generating heat and electricity by conducting an on-site holistic assessment and developing a roadmap with proposed corrective actions. Each facility enrolled has a dedicated bluesign assessor who keeps track of the roadmap and helps the mill to implement the identified actions regarding resource reduction. 

Climate solutions operating at scale, delivering emissions savings without sacrificing quality, and backed by verifiable performance data are encouraged to apply for the Registry. Benefits include expert vetting to showcase your solution's credibility; increased exposure to industry leaders like manufacturers, brands, and banks; and the potential for business development opportunities with Aii partners.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis at