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More Questions:

Where does the data used in the Ready Reckoner: Solutions Impact Evaluator come from?

The energy use and emission baselines are calculated for supply chain tiers, processes, and even sub-processes using data from the WRI “Roadmap to Net Zero” report, other publicly available data sources, and subject matter experts’ professional judgment. We have used typical model processes to create baselines against which all solutions must be compared (These are contained in an appendix to the Ready Reckoner). 

The Ready Reckoner is a functioning prototype that enables the CSP Advisory Council to objectively compare the projected savings of a wide variety of solutions for different tiers, processes, and sub-processes. The database it uses contains verified quantitative data, qualitative information, and even some estimates. 

Waiting for verified, universally accepted data would delay our ability to compare solutions and keep us from achieving our 2050 goals. We intend to improve the data on an ongoing basis and welcome constructive feedback from any interested stakeholders. We also welcome feedback from applicants if they believe the baseline processes or energy use figures for those processes differ substantially from their experience.

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