We have created a database of energy use and tCO2e emissions for the most widely used materials and processes. Our figures are based on typical production processes and should be used as the baseline against which any solutions are compared. This allows us to standardize the evaluation of solutions’ impact reduction potential and enables the CSP Advisory Council to compare different solutions against each other in a fair and consistent manner.
We ask that applicants use the model processes and associated energy and emission figures as the baseline against which their solution is compared when calculating the ‘effectiveness’ of their solution (the % decrease in energy use or GHG emissions). This is to avoid the deliberate selection of more favorable baselines that enhance the perceived impact of a solution.
The Ready Reckoner is a simple tool into which applicants enter information about the solution’s supply chain application, effectiveness, and anticipated industry-wide scaling. It then calculates the projected tCO2e savings using the provided data. Applicants must use the Ready Reckoner to determine the solution’s tCO2e reduction potential.