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Low-Carbon Thermal Energy Technologies for the Textile Industry

Published: 09 August 2024
1 min read
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Our "Taking Stock of Progress Against the Roadmap to Net Zero 2024" report estimates that the apparel sector represents approximately 2% of annual global greenhouse gas emissions. With production rates increasing in many countries, there is a need to adopt cleaner, more efficient, and low-carbon technologies to mitigate climate impacts.

"Low-Carbon Thermal Energy Technologies for the Textile Industry," commissioned by Aii and authored by Global Efficiency Intelligence, explores the readiness of major textile-producing countries to adopt low-carbon heating technologies, assessing solar thermal; electrification (including electric boilers, heat pumps, and thermal energy storage); sustainable biomass; and natural gas. It provides a detailed evaluation of each technology, focusing on capital and operational costs, technological maturity, market growth outlook, and climate and environmental risks.

This is the first of a two-report series.

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